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24-Hour Hotline

  • Foreigner Service 0800-024-111
  • Citizen Service Hotline 1999



Rebirth of Central District: Its Past,Present and Future

Urban Development Bureau
中區再生 過去 現在 未來
Every city goes through a dynamic process of construction, deconstruction, and re-construction. Taichung is no exception. It has been experiencing abigre-construction after the merger of former county and city. Its core metropolitan areas have undergone qualitative change, due to the gravity shift of political and economic centers .This qualitative change is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and has marked a dent on the future outlook and the destiny of TaichungCity.Threehubs: their roles in the p...

Friendly and Barrier-free City

Urban Development Bureau
街區改善 友善城市好漾
To make Taichung City safer and friendlier, the Urbane Development Bureau has formulated the "inspection plan on the existing accessible facilities in public buildings” and advocates the importance of barrier-free living environment to the general public and the business firms. The Bureau has also checked the accessible facilities of new public buildings regularly, so as to provide the elderly and persons with disabilities with more convenient and safer public spaces. Moreover, all the gas stati...



  • MyEGov
  • Living in Taiwan
  • New Immigrants in Taiwan
  • Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China
  • Nation Central Library
  • Visualizing Health of Taichung Citizens
  • Gender Equality Committee